Find all the blogs written by Junayed Mustafa about Marketing, Sales, Technology & Productivity

Digital Marketing Data, Trends, and Stats in Bangladesh 2021
Why do you need this report? Digital in Bangladesh 2021 report is the essential Insights

How to Use Voice Search for SEO
Voice search is changing online marketing. Using the voice-activated technology added in computers, phones, TVs,

8 Steps to Start Your New Business
Very often, people mail me asking for a list of steps that they can use

Sell me this pen – the right way | Sales Tips in Bangla Podcast
In this episode of BizCast, I talked about a common sales question, “Sell me this

How to Find Sales Leads from Online Channels for Your Business
Are you planning to start a business? Have a startup already? it’s important that you

7 Steps to Create a Sales Process for Your Business
Many come to me as they plan their first sales process and teams, seeking guidance.

How You Should Do Marketing During a Crisis
I’m sure you’ve received several messages about novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Airlines, supermarkets, food establishments

Step by Step Guide to Earn Easily on Fiverr
Are you planning to start your freelancing career? Maybe you already know about Fiverr then.

Working from Home? Here’s 5 Skills You Should Master
So, from our previous blogs, you have got the necessary things for Work from a

20 Remote Job Site You Need to Know to Start an Online Earning
Many of us like formal 9 to 5 offices, where many prefer it flexible. They

Digital Stats and Data in Bangladesh 2020
Why do you need this Digital report? Digital in Bangladesh 2020 report is the essential

How to Market a New Product : Made-easy for You
Want to bring a new product or service to the market? You have done your

Step by Step Freelancers’ Guide for a Better UpWork Experience
If you know about freelancing, you sure know the name UpWork. Upwork is a popular

Fearing of Lay-off? 5 Second Income Option for You
The path between client denial and layoffs during a crisis is always a quick one.

5 Handy Tools You Need for Remote Work
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, remote working is on the rise for some time now.

Introducing BizCast – one of the first business podcast in Bangladesh
What is a Podcast (পডকাস্ট)? Simply, podcast means an online radio show that’s available on

5 Stay At Home Work Ideas for You
Now that the pandemic has taken over, we all are bound to stay at home.

How to do SEO: the right way
Honestly, SEO is a confusing subject to many seasoned marketers and business owners alike. They

How to Write a Case Study for Your Business Growth
If done right, business case studies can have a huge effect on your marketing. Although

How to start with social media marketing automation
A social media marketing strategy is an overview of what you’re going to do and

Increase Customer Engagement with These Advertisement Hacks
Trouble identifying the right kinds of customers? Not seeing enough clicks on Facebook, Twitter and