Why you should use Call to Action to get new Customer

Call to Action CTA

What is Call to Action (CTA)?

Call to Action or CTA is a way to invite your target audience to take an immediate action to convert them to do something. The purpose could be to make a payment, subscription to your site. Some examples are: “CALL NOW”, “VISIT A STORE TODAY” or “FIND OUT MORE”.

Call to action is being used since new many formats, and I am sure, you’re seeing them everywhere. In groceries, while on the road or visiting your favorite websites. In this digital age, CTA (Call to Action is everywhere) and it is constantly inviting the response of a user by appealing them.

In the web world, the call to action is a button which is used whenever you want the user to do something or respond in some way by clicking that.

Michael Aagaard of Unbounce explains the CTA as the “tipping point between bounce and conversion.”

Netflix Call to Action for subscription

Here are some common example of CTA’s

  • “Buy Now / Add to Cart” (Commonly used in eCommerce)
  • “Submit Now” (Information-gathering forms)
  • “Subscribe Now” (Repeated purchase or digital or physical goods)
  • “Read More” (Used in Blog sites)
  • “Try it Now” (Freemium method)
  • “Share Now” Social media share buttons
  • “Call Now” etc.

Needless to say, most of the CTA’s are bonded with some expected benefit for the users or it creates a need for a value which helps to convert the users quickly or help them to make the decision faster.

A typical example of Call to Action Button’s on website

Why should you use Call to Action: Stats

  1. More than 90% of visitors who read your headline also read your CTA copy. (Unbounce)
  2. Emails with a single call-to-action increased clicks 371% and sales 1617%. (WordStream)
  3. Adding CTAs to your Facebook page can increase click-through rate by 285%. (AdRoll)
  4. By forcing visitors to watch an informational video on their services before presenting a CTAKimberly Snyder increased conversions by 144%. (QuickSprout)
  5. For KISSmetrics, a CTA within a video gets 380% more clicks than their normal sidebar CTAs. (QuickSprout)

How to pick the best Call to Action

Michael Aagaard from Unbounce also tells that, it’s not just the value that can convert your audience but also relevance.

For example, when an audience is reading a demo white-paper and interested in learning more from it from your website’s landing page, you can either choose

Option 1: Get Access to the Resource or Option 2: Read the Full White-paper.

The similar research has shown 38% more conversion with the Option 2. Where reader is expected to get not just the value, but it’s relevant for his psych, wanting to read the full paper.

CTA Conversion Optimization

Jeremy Smith from Marketing Land also states that every good CTA should have 3 main features, based on these qualities the conversion can be varied between one another.

  1. Where it is (Placement).
  1. What it looks like (Design).
  1. What it says (Copy or Text).

I will share it details more about the conversion techniques & the type of CTA’s you should use to increase the sales, subscription from your site or landing page in another column. If you have any question about CTA’s, you can contact me directly through my page or twitter profile.

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