4 Tips for Writing Effective Twitter Copy



Twitter is often ignored by social media marketers from South Asian countries. Though it is still one of the top-grossing social media platforms. At the same time, home of influencers, media personalities, politicians. The sharp guys who like to think much & talk (read: write) less.
But, Twitter is still the place where live things are catching on a wee bit faster than Facebook. Brands & Individuals need to be a bit witty to excel on Twitter. After all, it’s not that easy to express all our content briefs in 140 words & one GIF! Based on Twitter’s internal data from March 2016

Twitter is live. 90% of videos on Twitter are viewed less than a minute after being posted

Here I am going to explain 4 Tips from Twitter Flight School. This is about how to write effective copy for your brands & profiles on Twitter.
You should go & check Flight School for great twitter marketing tips & examples. These tips are actually from there and I am going to use reference, example & a bit more words to show you how to do it!

1. Include a link & explain:

The goal for writing your twitter copy is to convert your viewer to your website, landing page, cart or blog. But what if you’re always giving a link to your copy & not concentrating on what your viewer will get from it. It’s better to give them the exact food they are looking for by visiting your site. Do not redirect them to your homepage or contact page for an exploration adventure. They may never call you for a chit-chat.
Rather provide them something valuable. Explain in your copy what they’re going to get exactly if they visit your link. Oh! and don’t forget to use URL Shortener like Bitly to keep your character in balance.

2. Minimise Distraction:

You have heard, the more #hashtag & @handles you will be using, the better is your reach. Actually NOT! If you would like to attract the audience with your copywriting, make sure not to include them. Maybe one or two. Instead, you can use different emoji’s to explain your focus point. You can increase the focus of your user by avoiding @handles, #hashtags. Twitter

3. Convey a sense of urgency:

“Why do people need to visit your site right now? Is your offer available for a limited time? Is the supply limited? Consider the real-time nature of the Twitter platform and give people a reason to take immediate action.” Source: Twitter Flight School.

For example, one of the Digital Marketing Expert I follow named Marc Guberti. He often uses the power of now to convert the Twitter audience to his website landing page. Here,? you can find his great guide (27 ways) for getting most retweets from your tweets.

4. Deliver an offer:

Discounts and special offers often serve as the hook users. Who needs to interrupt their content browsing experience and take action. One thing for sure, people do scroll on twitter very fast since it’s a microblogging platform. If you want to catch the moment, you both need use a compelling content. A discount with a great visual will stop the people & check your content most of the time.

Think about your usual services, what’s your product? what can you offer free? Maybe a demo, free shipping, freebies & goodies? It may not be much of value. But always think about the Customer per acquisition cost. And the free things you’re proving in exchange for your product, subscription & sale.
TwitterNow it’s time to take your tweets to the next level. Just follow these simple 4 step & create great converting tweets. If you like the article, click the bar below to share it with your friends % network. [Tweet “Find 4 tips for creating great Tweet Copy. Read now to see for yourself! jmustafa.com”]

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